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Who attended a workshop, exhibition stand
or presentation?

Thanks to the barcodes on the badges of your visitors, you are able to collect valuable information easily and efficiently. Afterwards this information can be used for evaluation or follow-up.

Why collect visitor information?

There are several reasons for collecting visitor information during your event. If you know who visited which workshop, exhibition stand or presentation, then you can take additional action afterwards.

  • For example: sending the PowerPoint presentation, or sending a certificate of attendance or provide commercial information about a specific service or product.

  • Registered visitor statistics also give you an objective insight into the success of each workshop, exhibition stand or presentation.

How to collect visitor information?

Checkpoint A / Abusol provides an automated flow through barcodes on visitor badges.

  • With the help of a small scanner, we register everyone who visits a workshop, presentation or exhibition stand.

  • Other methods are the use of eID or a tablet where visitors indicate their interests.