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Together we turn
your event into
a success

A professional and flawless follow up of the invitation and online registration process and visitor registration are essential for every successful event. Based on our expertise, The ambitious checkpoint A / Abusol team creates a tailor-made offer for every event - no matter how simple or complex. Here you can read some of our success stories.

Staff party Sweco


Event for: Staff of Sweco Belgium

Our client: Sweco Belgium

Location: AED Studios, Lint

Type of event:  Staff party / New year’s reception

Number of visitors: 652 visitors

Our services:
-Bilingual registration website ​​with personal access code
-Confirmation e-mail with barcode
-Welcome with live badge printing
-Additional barcode scanning for receiving a sweater.

Our solution and approach: Employees were able to log in with their staff number, on the registration form they could indicate how they'd go to the party (shuttle busses were provided), whether they stayed for a whole evening or just for the speech, whether they had allergies for the dinner and what their clothing size was for the sweater. The people present themselves at the welcome with their confirmation e-mail with barcode or a passbook ticket.

A personalized badge with QR code is printed at the welcome. This QR code was needed for the scanning via tablets for receiving a sweater per person. The people had the choice to come for the speech and/or attend the dinner. Dinner attendance was indicated on the badge with an extra symbol. In retrospect, a clear report was asked of who was registered on-site, who was absent, and who had not picked up their sweater by the end of the evening.


"Each event we experienced issues with Excel and paper lists. Cumbrous, frustrating, a continuous stream of updates you had to perform yourself, until the last minute. Recognizable? Now this is a thing of the past for Sweco. For our New Year's party in 2018, I wanted to get rid of this and at the same time work more professionally and innovatively. Abusol is the ideal partner for this!

They guided us from A to Z, from preparation to follow-up after the event. They think about certain issues and always put our needs first. Both the registration and the welcome of our New Year's party went smoothly. User friendliness is the thread in their story and you will notice that too. I recommend them to everyone."

- Charlotte / Sweco Belgium

Read all our success stories